Morning Sun Books "Railfanning the Northeast with Richard T. Loane 1934-1954"

von Morning Sun Books

Art Nr: 484-6832


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Railfanning the Northeast with Richard T. Loane 1934-1954 Valley from Morning Sun Books is a look back at the photography and commentary of Dick Loane of Summit, New Jersey. Richard's black-and-white images capture the feel of northeastern railroading back in the steam era. Dick frequented the frequent passenger excursions offered during the era and traveled with some of the well-known photographers of the day. Volume 3 is a fascinating look at trains and scenes along the Erie, M&E, NYS&W, W-B&E, M&U, L&NE and NYO&W. Railfanning the Northeast with Richard T. Loane 1934-1954 is the third book in this black-and-white series covering the Northeast. Softcover, Black-and-White, 128 pages.

Produktgewicht inkl. Verpackung: 0,660 kg