Rapidotrains "VIA Rail People Moving People"

von Rapido Trains

Art Nr: 606-102139


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In partnership with VIA Rail Canada and the VIA Historical Association, Rapido Trains presents the ultimate book on the history of VIA Rail Canada: People Moving People. Authored by the acclaimed author Kevin J. Holland, People Moving People chronicles VIA Rail Canada's formation, history, operations and equipment over the more than four decades since the organization's creating in the mid-1970s. Featuring a foreword by the Right Honourable David Collenette, this 288 page tome also includes over 500 full-colour photos and diagrams. People Moving People offers an unprecedented look at a company that has defied the odds to survive and thrive as Canadian embrace this greener mode of travel. Hardcover, 288 Pages

Produktgewicht inkl. Verpackung: 0,660 kg

Wird oft zusammen gekauft

Zusammen für: 126,90 €

Dieser Artikel: Rapidotrains "VIA Rail People Moving People"

+ Walthers Mainline 68' Railgon Gondola "BNSF" #518501