White River Productions "O Scale Trains Annual 2024"

by White River Productions

商品編號: 15-OSTA24


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Nicht geeignet für Kinder unter 14 Jahren. Dieses Produkt ist ein Modellbauartikel für anspruchsvolle Modellbauer und Sammler und kein Spielzeug. Das Produkt ist dazu bestimmt, im Rahmen einer Modellanlage eingesetzt zu werden. Es darf ausschließlich mit den dafür empfohlenen Zubehörartikeln bzw. Anbauten betrieben werden. Das Produkt ist grundsätzlich für den Hobbygebrauch konzipiert und konstruiert, nicht für den Dauerbetrieb.

116 Seiten Product Showcase — Our listing of exciting products for your O scale model railroad empire, including locomotives, freight cars, structures, decals, scenery items, detail parts, and more. Scratchbuild a Virginian C-10 Caboose in Brass by Conley E. Wallace — Working with brass sheet to scratchbuild a model of one of the 25 cabooses built new for Virginian Railway in 1949 by St. Louis Car Co. Operations Notebook 1: Buckeye Through Freight by Herm Botzow — We follow through freight Train 401 as it works it away across Buckeye Railroad from Monongahela Yard east of Pittsburgh to Gateway Yard in Youngstown, Ohio. Rio Grande Narrow Gauge 30’ Refrigerator Cars by Chris Lane — In 1900, Rio Grande built a fleet of 50 new 30’ ice-cooled refrigerator cars for the narrow gauge lines. Rebuilt in 1926, many lasted in service into the 1950s. Includes scale drawings. A Norfolk & Western and Virginian Sampler by Conley E. Wallace — Tour this 28x44’ model railroad featuring detailed rolling stock and structures inspired by actual locations along the Norfolk & Western and Virginian Railway lines. Canandaigua Southern Super Allegheny Redux by David Vaughn — A piece of John Armstrong’s legendary Canandaigua Southern Railroad lives on through the operation of this one-of-a-kind Super Allegheny 2-6-6-6 steam locomotive. Southern Pacific Orange Empire by Jürg Lütscher — A photo gallery of colorful Southern California transition era railroading on Southern Pacific, from a detailed model railroad based in Zurich, Switzerland. Transform an Old Brass Articulated Steam Engine by Conley E. Wallace — You never know what you’ll find at a swap meet! Follow along as a pile of parts is transformed into a beautiful brass articulated steam locomotive. Operations Notebook 2: Budd Car on the Buckeye by Herm Botzow — All aboard! You don’t need a lot of room to add passenger service to your model railroad. Follow along as the daily commuter trains make their way across Buckeye Railroad. Harold Russell’s Genesee Falls & Ontario by Otto M. Vondrak — Inspired by short lines of western New York, we pay a brief visit to the detailed O scale empire constructed by well-known author and draftsman Harold Russell. Rebuilding a Vintage Max Gray M1a by John McEnerney — Rebuilding an old Max Gray brass steam locomotive import from the 1950s into a detailed model of a Pennsylvania Railroad class M1a 4-8-2. Return to the Cumberland Valley by Joe Loele — This detailed transition era O scale model railroad is inspired by Pennsylvania Railroad and Norfolk & Western routes between Roanoke, Va., and Hagerstown, Md. Scratchbuild a ‘Side Slider’ Boxcar in Styrene by Bill Yancey — Introduced in the 1970s, the Evans “Side Slider” boxcar was designed to make loading of finished lumber easier and reduce damage. Building a Henry-T Kit by Martin Brechbiel — Building from older model kits can be a fun challenge! The author shares tips and techniques working with a vintage gondola kit featuring a cast resin body. Modeling Hot Rolled Steel Coils by Daniel Kleine — Hot rolled steel coils leave the steel mill to be further finished into cold rolls that are used in manufacturing. These interesting loads for your flatcars or gondolas are easy to make. Ground Cover 101: Basics of Realistic Scenery by George Riley — Once the benchwork is finished and the track is laid, it’s time to think about scenery! A variety of techniques and materials are available to make realistic effects on your layout. Berkshire Hills Trolley From 3D Printed Parts by Ed Skuchas and Doug Cowperthwaite — A custom-printed body is the basis for this unique parlor car that was used by Berkshire Street Railway in New England more than 100 years ago. Building Henry’s Store by Martin Brechbiel — Country stores like these could be found in almost every community, and makes for a great first scratchbuilding project using scale wood siding. A Tale of Three Shanties by Bruce J. Mohn — Small utility buildings like these can be found everywhere along the railroad, for storing tools and supplies to offering crews a place to shelter from the weather. Product Reviews Clubs Directory

商品重量: 0,330 kg

Angaben zur Produktsicherheit:
Hersteller: White River Productions, PO Box 48, Bucklin MO 64631, USA, www.whiteriverproductions.com
Verantwortlicher Importeur: RD-Hobby Modellbahnen, Jaegersburger Str. 17,68649 Gross-Rohrheim, Deutschland, email@RD-Hobby.de

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Bundle price: 79.85 €

This product: White River Productions "O Scale Trains Annual 2024"

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