Athearn Genesis EMD SD70ACe "Providence and Worcester Railroad" #4301

by Athearn Genesis

Item #: ATHG75564


Advance Order

(incl. tax plus shipping)

Innovation! Delivery November 2024

Pre-order deadline: 7/28/2023

  • Ready for use with DCC (DCC interface)

5-Pol Motor mit doppelter Schwungmasse, alle Achsen angetrieben, Beleuchtung in Fahrtrichtung wechselnd, Inneneinrichtung, sehr viele separat angebrachte Details spezifisch zu Bahngesellschaft und Roadnumber PW FEATURES: Former FEC units Repainted into orange and black Horns mounted on the side of the long hood; separate horn styles for each road number

shipping weight: 1,100 kg