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Central Valley 150' Pratt Truss Bridge

Item #: 210-1902


In stock - Time of delivery 1-3 days *

(incl. tax plus shipping)

This product is not a toy. Not suitable for children under 14 years.

Der Bausatz besteht aus verschieden farbigen Plastikteilen (ohne Gleis). Eine bebilderte Bauanleitung in Englisch liegt bei, ca. 52,5 cm lang.

shipping weight: 0,220 kg

Central Valley 72' Single Track Plate Girder Bridge

Item #: 210-1903


Not in stock - Time of delivery 3 weeks *

(incl. tax plus shipping)

This product is not a toy. Not suitable for children under 14 years.

Der Bausatz besteht aus verschieden farbigen Plastikteilen. Eine bebilderte Bauanleitung in Englisch liegt bei Maße: ca. 25.5 x 6.3cm

shipping weight: 0,220 kg

Central Valley Switch Stands

Item #: 210-1604


In stock - Time of delivery 1-3 days *

(incl. tax plus shipping)

This product is not a toy. Not suitable for children under 14 years.

6 Stück Packung

shipping weight: 0,011 kg

Central Valley 72' Double Track Plate Girder Bridge

Item #: 210-1904


In stock - Time of delivery 1-3 days *

(incl. tax plus shipping)

This product is not a toy. Not suitable for children under 14 years.

Der Bausatz besteht aus verschieden farbigen Plastikteilen. Eine bebilderte Bauanleitung in Englisch liegt bei

shipping weight: 0,220 kg

Central Valley N Bausatz "Modernized Through-Truss Bridge w/Walkways"

Item #: 210-1820


Not in stock

(incl. tax plus shipping)

This product is not a toy. Not suitable for children under 14 years.

Länge: 29.1cm

shipping weight: 0,330 kg

Central Valley 72' Bridge Tie Section Long

Item #: 210-19032


Not in stock - Time of delivery 3 weeks *

(incl. tax plus shipping)

This product is not a toy. Not suitable for children under 14 years.

2er Packung

shipping weight: 0,011 kg

Central Valley 200' Double-Track Heavy-Duty Laced-Parker-Truss Bridge

Item #: 210-1900


In stock - Time of delivery 1-3 days *

(incl. tax plus shipping)

This product is not a toy. Not suitable for children under 14 years.

Der Bausatz besteht aus verschieden farbigen Plastikteilen (ohne Gleis). Eine bebilderte Bauanleitung in Englisch liegt bei, ca. 71.8 x 12.1cm.

shipping weight: 0,220 kg

Central Valley 200' Single-Track Heavy-Duty Laced-Parker-Truss Bridge

Item #: 210-1901


In stock - Time of delivery 1-3 days *

(incl. tax plus shipping)

This product is not a toy. Not suitable for children under 14 years.

Der Bausatz besteht aus verschieden farbigen Plastikteilen (ohne Gleis). Eine bebilderte Bauanleitung in Englisch liegt bei, ca. 71.8 x 7.6cm

shipping weight: 0,220 kg